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Earth's Honey Inc.


178 Brookhaven Court
L3C 0A4 Welland


Attestations : View customer file


Product Category Product compliant with Regulation Restrictions Further information
Earth's Honey Organic Fertilizer 7-4-1 Fertilizers and Crop Support Allowed and inspected under Canadian regulation COR (Canadian Organic Regulation)

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: website lists the inputs voluntarily submitted to Ecocert SAS by the manufacturer or distributor, in order to allow a non-mandatory checking of their eligibility as ?Suitable for Organic Farming?, via our Inputs Documentary Review service or our Inputs Attestation service.
The fact that an input is not/no longer included in this list does not mean, per se, that this input is/is no longer Suitable for Organic Agriculture, as this claim remains under the sole responsibility of the company which hold the marketing authorisation (manufacturer or distributor).
Furthermore, inputs which must be certified according to the Organic Agriculture regulations are not available in this list. We invite you to consult the certificates issued by the related certification bodies. For inputs certified according to regulations (EU) no. 2018/848 by Ecocert France SAS (FR-BIO-01, approved by the INAO):

Please double-check that the designated product is listed as compliant with relevant certification standard for your operation (i.e. column: « Product compliant with Regulation »).
For example, an input whose status is "Allowed under American regulation NOP (National Organic Program). May be used if not commercially available as Organic" shall be considered as conform only in accordance with the NOP regulation and subject to the unavailability of the same product certified organic NOP. This product could not, for example, be considered to comply with the European organic regulation.